Even though much of my work is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to write, and this is the place for that. Feel free to join in the conversation. Thanks for reading.
With all this white stuff comes white space. I love the hush! that snow brings as it blankets the town with closings, cancellations, delays. We all move slower, more carefully, paring outside activity down to only that which is absolutely necessary. “I’m going back to bed” becomes the new mantra. We wipe the calendar clean - the entire day lies ahead. What else, short of sickness or death, affords us the luxury of a free day, a “snow day”?
For days now, I have felt caught in a winter snow globe, one that is constantly being shaken, as the powder sprinkles down without stopping. Unique snowflakes find their places on tree branches, fence posts, trampolines and window sills. This is the icing on the cake of a holiday break. Bills and decorations beckon to be handled; I choose to sit and savor the incessant sprinkle of snow instead, and the stillness it brings. Just then, a snow dance swirls outside my window. Pure entertainment. Ah! I sit with a huge smile on my face, enjoying the scene. Except for the distant snow plow, I hear nothing. I love this silence. My neighbors are still vacationing on sunny shores or stuck in remote places as their planes were grounded due to the storm. One friend laments that she is forced to find a spa and show in Vegas to while away the days before she can get home. There is plenty of white space for all of us thanks to this inundation of white stuff, the first blizzard of 2014. On New Years’ Day, I tricked my trio of teens into sitting in Circle. I knew they couldn’t refuse my “downward dog meets Twister game” as we all traced each others’ hands and feet on huge pieces of white paper. Then the real fun began. On the outlines of our hands, we wrote all the things we wanted to applaud that happened in 2013 - our amazing accomplishments, terrific trips, magnificent meals, fabulous friendships and even times we made lemonade from lemons. Yay, us! Then we moved into 2014 and wrote on the outlines of our feet the greatness we want to walk into this year - our dreams, goals, plans. Things got quiet. My 15-year-old son couldn’t help himself; he was so eager to share! We sat on the floor in our front foyer (an informal Circle!) and shared our huge pieces of white paper now filled with hands, feet and so much more! We ended this impromptu engaging ritual with naming a word or phrase for capturing our 2014 goals. Reach. Love. Focus. Letting Go. Effort. I am calling this engaging activity “hands and feet” and it was inspired in my morning meditation by Lisa Nichols. Try it, alone or with your family! Two movies in particular touched me this week: “Frozen” reminded me of the importance of sisterly love and tapping into our creativity (and how frozen we become when we wall ourselves off from these powers) and “Unfinished Song” a cute movie about old timers demonstrating the importance of not leaving this life with your song unsung. And so I ask - what are you creating with all of this white space? Where are you frozen or devoid of white space? Let me know…I’ve got ideas for you! This year I am beginning a new 1:1 coaching/companioning service. I would love to cheer and support you becoming an even better version of yourself. Call me!
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Susan LucciAlthough most of the work I am privileged to do in the world is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to put some words to my experience, and this is the landing place. Chime in on the conversation. Your voice is needed. |