Do you wonder WHY you are here?
Here's what it sounds like when you KNOW YOUR WHY... We all have one, that whisper that's pointing, pushing us to do...something...else, something important, something each one of us is meant to do. "As I faced my 60th birthday, that whisper started keeping me up at night. Then, I found Susan. Over the months we worked together, Susan's careful listening, targeted questioning, and intuitiveness helped me connect the dots of my life, turning the whisper into a roar! Today, I am happily and actively pursuing my life's purpose." -- Carla, Elder Advocate and Crone Extraordinaire |

Do you feel an unrest, a divine discontent, a sense deep within that you don't understand?
Suppressing it won't make it go away; in fact it could make you feel sick. Don't I know it! Not expressing our unique creative genius -- truly singing our own Amazing Grace -- can be downright depressing! In fact, the more I hurried past it and buried it by busying myself, the louder the whisper became, eventually turning into a roar that sat me down until I surrendered and agreed to dive deeply into what matters most. Over time, I reconnected with my spark and learned the purpose I am here to give: holding space to reconnect to Soul. And what does our world need more right now than people living on purpose!?!
Together with other Global Purpose Leaders, I am working to create a world where more of us are crystal clear about who we are, connected with the deepest part of ourselves to know why we are here, and fully embodying our SOULS by delivering our gifts to the world.
Living at a time when so many feel disconnected, depressed, and detached from what matters most, the meaning-making in Purpose-discovery is the perfect antidote to despair. Just like an acorn is constantly in the process of becoming an oak tree, we have all we need within us to become ourselves.
Let's clear the way and create the conditions for activating your potential!
My purpose is activating your potential, so you can creatively express more of your GENIUS.
It is far easier and also more enjoyable to discover your CALLING - that place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need - when someone accompanies you. Having discovered my PURPOSE, I feel more inspired, energized and aligned with my SOUL. As your companion, I will guide you to find your NORTH STAR and plan your NEXT STEPS.
Suppressing it won't make it go away; in fact it could make you feel sick. Don't I know it! Not expressing our unique creative genius -- truly singing our own Amazing Grace -- can be downright depressing! In fact, the more I hurried past it and buried it by busying myself, the louder the whisper became, eventually turning into a roar that sat me down until I surrendered and agreed to dive deeply into what matters most. Over time, I reconnected with my spark and learned the purpose I am here to give: holding space to reconnect to Soul. And what does our world need more right now than people living on purpose!?!
Together with other Global Purpose Leaders, I am working to create a world where more of us are crystal clear about who we are, connected with the deepest part of ourselves to know why we are here, and fully embodying our SOULS by delivering our gifts to the world.
Living at a time when so many feel disconnected, depressed, and detached from what matters most, the meaning-making in Purpose-discovery is the perfect antidote to despair. Just like an acorn is constantly in the process of becoming an oak tree, we have all we need within us to become ourselves.
Let's clear the way and create the conditions for activating your potential!
My purpose is activating your potential, so you can creatively express more of your GENIUS.
It is far easier and also more enjoyable to discover your CALLING - that place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need - when someone accompanies you. Having discovered my PURPOSE, I feel more inspired, energized and aligned with my SOUL. As your companion, I will guide you to find your NORTH STAR and plan your NEXT STEPS.
"Simply put, Susan Lucci is magick! After I graduated from college, I had a degree without a direction. I was clinically depressed, clouded by self-doubt, longing for purpose and meaning. I meet Susan at a nonprofit fundraiser, and struck up a BIG conversation with her (no small talk)! Since then Susan has helped me to radically transform my life. Susan’s healing super power is active listening, empowering, and purposeful optimism.
Before I met Susan, no one had ever asked me, “what if?” Susan helped me turn my “what if’s” into tangible goals, manifest my purpose, and continues to stand with me and a mentor and friend. If you are in a liminal/transitional stage in life, or if you need someone to help you push past depressive, pessimistic thought patterns- Susan will help you transform your life with her radical empathy, vast knowledge, and spiritual guidance! Thank you Susan, for holding my hand and empowering me to find my purpose throughout this wild journey of life!" -- Rachel (age 24) |
What is Purpose?Consider Purpose your own personal North Star, your inner compass and outer allurement, guiding your journey in this lifetime. Your clarity is likely clouded by your ego’s resistance to living a larger life and a lifetime of habits keeping you dimmed down and playing a game too small for your Soul.
Purpose discovery begins by clearing space — removing distractions, addictions, busyness, limited ways of thinking, and any other obstacles that are keeping you stuck in the same old, same old, default mode of operating. You have mastered your (small "p") purpose; Congrats! And now it’s time to empty your cup and fill it with your Soul's true Purpose — your reason for being! |
What is a Purpose Guide™?As your own personal
Certified Purpose Guide™ I am an advocate for your purpose. I am a trained guide and a Life Design Catalyst Coach with a lifetime of experience and a toolkit of proven practices. My gift is holding space for you to connect to your Authentic Self to receive insights and clarification of who you are and why you are here. Your Purpose has many facets, which will be revealed to you over your lifetime. Together, let's quicken your awakening! Consider me your guide on the side who asks critical questions designed for your discovery. |
What's Next?You matter!
You are needed more than ever before to activate your potential and live a more purposeful life. We live in a time of crisis when the only thing that may save us from ourselves is ourselves! Take the Next Step right now and contact me for a complimentary introductory session! |