Even though much of my work is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to write, and this is the place for that. Feel free to join in the conversation. Thanks for reading.
Waking up from a too-long winter, spring bursts forth in all its glory, and now we are into full summer - having moved from a polar vortex into a pollen vortex. Some days it feels like I must dress for three different seasons. The weather outside my door mirrors nearly exactly the internal stormy shifts I experience as my parents age, my hair grays, and my teens flap their wings. My life feels so full I could burst - just like the pollen-producers beautifully erupting on to the scene. Life is intense and then some. How do you spell C-H-A-N-G-E?
Since April 1, my life has moved at hyper warp speed. I feel like a surfer riding, crashing, pausing for the next wave. But, like the Midwestern gal I am - who’s never seen much less surfed such massive waves - I have no wet suit or instructor and can’t see the shore, but I sure do love the splash of the hi’s and lo’s! Every day presents a new version of this: make special meals, send congratulatory cards/flowers/gift, shower twice to dress up (and make sure every other Lucci has the appropriate attire and attitude), snap hundreds of photos and upload them on social media by midnight. Who has time to do the laundry in the season of change? I do. Actually, lately I find myself eagerly racing down the basement steps to switch another load. Somehow, I find those moments grounding, stabilizing, as I am reminded that this time shall pass and I should mind these rather momentous moments… even though the hours can feel like crashing waves in the midst of celebrations. Scientists now realize the both/and: particles and waves. Moments and celebrations. A dozen daring dolls joined me this week as we paused our “to do’s” to BE - to scavenge for FUN on a pluperfect summer night. We had no time for mosquitos or stop lights. No matter the request, we sang in the streets, snapped photos, swiveled our hips, shook hands of police officers, and then sewed and slurped, intent on being chosen THE team that had the most fun! When the clock struck midnight, we were all winners. How lucky am I? Here, at the midpoint of my life - to be midwifing the new way of being in community with such creative, committed, “throw caution to the wind” kind of spontaneous creators who love surprises and cope with Life’s big waves with uproarious laughter and deep conversation. Life is good, beyond good actually. Deep breath. Here comes the next wave!
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Susan LucciAlthough most of the work I am privileged to do in the world is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to put some words to my experience, and this is the landing place. Chime in on the conversation. Your voice is needed. |