Even though much of my work is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to write, and this is the place for that. Feel free to join in the conversation. Thanks for reading.
Today is a rare “day off.” How are you choosing to live this “time out of time,” this national holiday, this MLK Monday? Are you sleeping in, doing something fun and frivolous with your kids, playing catch-up or is it business as usual?
We saw Selma on Saturday. As a result, I see the civil rights movement, MLK and even the concept of activism differently. (That’s one thing I love about movies — how they show a different perspective and occasionally, shift my perspective.) In one scene after another incident of heinous violence, a peaceful but provoked MLK preaches to his people to “Disturb the peace!” He begs not only the people in power but only those in the pews to disrupt business as usual, to peacefully interrupt the status quo. I left the movie with my heart wide-open, wondering what MORE I could be doing to disrupt, to disturb, to bring about peace one day. At TEDx Naperville last fall, among many fabulous speakers, there was an official “Disruptor.” Russ Riendeau, PhD, a behavioral scientist, performed all kinds of fun, crazy antics intended to make us uncomfortable — to shift us out of our habit states of listening and being tethered to our phones. At one point, he asked us to “Consider today is tomorrow.” And together we wondered: What MORE can I do? What one thing can I do tomorrow (that would change today)? How can I think differently (that would impact the future)? Today, let’s interrupt the status quo! Let’s think differently. Let’s disturb the peace so that tomorrow can be a better day for us all. Love to hear your ideas here: http://www.2big4words.org/sues-spark.
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Susan LucciAlthough most of the work I am privileged to do in the world is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to put some words to my experience, and this is the landing place. Chime in on the conversation. Your voice is needed. |