Even though much of my work is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to write, and this is the place for that. Feel free to join in the conversation. Thanks for reading.
![]() January 6 was the Epiphany (meaning “manifestation”), the feast of Three Wise Men, when gifts were brought to baby Jesus. Was it really just the wise men? Gold, frankincense and myrrh? Yeah, I love essential oils, sure, and also words…. look at that word “MAN” tucked right inside of Manifestation. Manifestation means an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, literally “to make public.” I can’t help but think of the challenge we as women often have, as most of our work in the world is not obvious, goes unmeasured, a lot of it, invisible. (Need proof? Add up all the hours you volunteered, cooked meals, chauffeured kids, cleaned, called politicians, shopped, house-made, supported loved ones, took care of elders and babysat kids, etc.... Most of this is women's work still and none of it is in the GDP. Imagine if we did none of it in 2018 unless it was measured or somehow valued?) This also brings to mind recent Circle discussions pondering whether women have more trouble manifesting their visions (making the unseen visible), while men seem to “just do it.” What do you think? The other night, we had an interesting family discussion about “herstory" versus history—stories told from a female point of view. I remember when I first realized that nearly everything I had ever been taught was funneled through the lens and voice of white men. On the moving sidewalk of life, I swallowed that fact—no questions asked—for every 22 years of my education. I now know that reliably rich experiences in my life occur when my perspective is shifted. Honestly, the first time it happened, I was quite unsettled; at 52, I welcome the discomfort and even accept the attending embarrassment. I enjoy humorous flips such as this being posted on FB today: What would have happened if it had been three Wise Women instead of three Wise Men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts. NO DOUBT! Women absolutely see the world and respond to it much differently than men do. And a new view I can’t not see is this: Women do it in spite of carrying deep wounds. Consider what the #metoo movement has revealed. There are so few of us (NOT A SINGLE ONE of my friends!) who have not been sexually assaulted or outright violently abused. We are a planet riddled with PTSD, wounded women and more. I wonder: What we would be up to without experiencing all this damn wounding? In spite of horrific hurt, women are creating and caring and collaborating and carrying on… It's truly awesome if you think about it. What’s more, I am increasingly curious about the connection between a woman’s woundedness and her giftedness. So often I see the two intertwined, co-created around the same incident. That’s incredible! Living in an era of constant crisis, terrible trauma and unlimited possibility, I believe that women’s giftedness is precisely what is needed NOW. Not only is #IT’SONUS, but also, It’s Up to US! and we are UP to IT! In Circles of women, I have witnessed the magic that transpires when we slow down to truly care for ourselves and each other, when we step up to our wisdom and wonder and inspire and uplift those around us, when we put what matters most to us at the center of our lives and circle together in brave spaces: We become more of who we came to be and together, we are better for it. Let 2018 be the year that you join a massive movement of women waking up to their fullest potential to shine more of your light on our dark world. I am calling new Circles, both in person and online in a virtual space called ZOOM. And later this year, I will be training people to hold this sacred space. Grab a friend and dive on in. Here’s the scoop: NEW WOMEN'S CIRCLES: Do you have an inner knowing that there must be MORE to life than your to do list? Ever wonder “How can I make more of an impact?” Do you feel like you need a break from your routine to focus on “What matters most?” We live in incredible times full of amazing possibilities and yet, given our hurried pace, we must be intentional about setting aside time to reflect and connect in order to become more of who we came to be. There is a revolution afoot! Women are gathering together! BE on the cutting edge of creating positive change and building community. Activate your passion, purpose, and potential! A brand new Circle is sprouting this JANUARY, right here in River Forest AND also online in a virtual ZOOM space (for all my peeps further than a road trip away). Join other amazing women willing to search inside themselves to live more authentically! Be inspired to become your best self! Widen your circle by reserving a seat in this unique Circle today! (This Circle will meet biweekly from January through May.) Contact me if you are ready to CIRCLE UP: [email protected] or 708-955-7366.
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Susan LucciAlthough most of the work I am privileged to do in the world is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to put some words to my experience, and this is the landing place. Chime in on the conversation. Your voice is needed. |