Even though much of my work is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to write, and this is the place for that. Feel free to join in the conversation. Thanks for reading.
Yesterday was the last sequential day of our lifetime - 12.13.14! My detail-driven 14-year-old illuminated the moment for me last night, as we decorated our Christmas tree. As far as I’m concerned, “the devil’s in the details” — especially this time of year. But, if you’ve been in Circle with me before, you know I relish moments that will never come again.
We live in such a time. A critical moment that will determine the course of our future. Will we wake up to the opportunities presented or go back to sleep and allow this civil war to divide us further? Are we ready to shift from our small worldview of “me” into a larger worldview of “WE”? Our world needs us, now, to view and then act in alignment with our values — to BE who we came to be. On of my favorite moments in Circle is the opening ritual, when we center and focus on our intentions. The tone of the Circle is often catalyzed and crystallized in that moment, often in surprising alignment with the paper agenda on my lap. The synchronicity is awesome. Another amazing moment that occurs opening up group energy fields is when one participant casts a vision we can all see. Last week, a powerful image emerged. I was talking about the power of walking on edges — spaces between self awareness and blind spots, outside of comfort zones — where transformation occurs. Another woman in circle said this: “I think of it like wall-walking: walking around the four walls of a room, holding onto the wall…one is school…turn a corner…the next is a job…the next marriage…a family…and then you’re back at the beginning. And now it’s time for me to stand in the center of the room, with all eyes upon me, moving out of my comfort zone wall-walking.” She cast a vision that was 2big4words! ZIJI is a Tibetan word that means shine or glitter. I’m not talking about bling, but rather an inner confidence that radiates from truly knowing who you are, how you want to be and what you want your life to be like. Living authentically and in alignment with your dreams and desires comes from Ziji. How do you reflect your ZIJI? Reflecting back on 2014, what lessons did you learn? What are you ready to let go of to live the life you desire? Peeking ahead at 2015, how can you live more authentically, in alignment with your desires? This season, step into the center of the room, or out into the street, or glow from your seat at the holiday dinner table. Wherever you choose to stand, allow your inner confidence to shine, shine, shine! We are needed — in all of our radiance — that’s all I know. Join me on my next reach outside my comfort zone: Starting in January, I am excited to create virtual Circles in connection with an interactive course called “MORE!” This is the genius of Diane McDonald, who I am privileged to partner with, and will include teaching, discussion groups, a virtual circle of women for support and coaching opportunities. Are you ready for MORE? I am! Bring it on! Listen in on a free session this Friday @ 11 AM CST. I will be talking about The Power of Women in Circle. It’s free but you must register here: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/J4SY8WZEJHBJ6PE.
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Susan LucciAlthough most of the work I am privileged to do in the world is literally TOO BIG FOR WORDS, occasionally I am inspired to put some words to my experience, and this is the landing place. Chime in on the conversation. Your voice is needed. |